molpigs Team

4 years in the sty

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Show Notes

On this episode of the molpigs Podcast we introduce the new members of the molpigs team and re-introduce the long-term hosts, Boya Wang and Erik Poppleton. Hannah and Georgeos have stepped down from the podcast team, though Hannah continues to support us from behind the scenes. Joining us today are our two new members, Spencer Winter and Anuhya Edupuganti. On this episode we interview each other about why we're here, our strengths, our dreams, and why you should host boardgame nights at DNA conferences.


A couple of factual errata:

  • When Erik is talking about annealing ramps for DNA origami crystal assemblies, he says that they use a zigzag temperature around the nucleation temperature. In fact, they just ran extremely slow annealing ramps around the nucleation temperature (see the SI of the paper linked below)
  • The word for the plant cellular structure that Erik can't remember is plasmodesmata, not desmosome.